Monday, August 15, 2011

College Things


I start college in a week, and I am so nervous. Today, my mum and I went down to the campus to work out some kinks in my financial aid, and to find out what books I need. Let me tell you something, future college students of America: books are FREAKING EXPENSIVE. That price tag will make you die a little inside. We ended up renting mine online, all three for a little bit over a hundred dollars, so that was much better. With my left over financial aid money (400 or so dollars) I am buying my very first Macbook! Used, probably a tad bit beat up, but it's really important to me and I'm excited to be able to get it. Maybe I'm disillusioned, but I feel like it is going to make going to school so much simpler.
Time to go watch the stars with my lovely blood sister. Till next time, M

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