Thursday, August 18, 2011

Outfit Post: Double Denim

This is the first time I've ever worn denim on denim, and I actually really like it a lot! The jacket gives the soft, nautical shirt a different kind of vibe. Speaking of the jacket, it was six dollars at a consignment shop, and worth every penny, even though I couldn't eat for a couple days because I went shopping! You can't artificially reproduce the kind of wear and tear that actually living in an item of clothing creates. That's why I love this jacket, and it's a great reason to buy things second hand.

Sunglasses: Claires
Jacket: Liz Claiborne
Shirt: One Clothing
Jeans: Mossimo Supply

I will definitely be replicating this outfit with different shirts, and some cute ankle boots throught the fall. <3 M

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On Love


Lately, one of my good friends has been dealing with some relational issues, and in a slap dash attempt to make her feel a little better, I wrote a list of things that she (and everyone else) deserves and should expect in a relationship, and I thought I would post it here for posterity.

What you need is someone that will tell you that you are a filthy, dirty girl and put a heart on the end of the sentence.
It's not just about hanging out, or kissing, or pleasuring each other. It's being there when things suck, and you've been crying so much you have black streaks down the side of your face.
It's letting someone be unhappy and let it all out on you, and not telling them everything is going to be okay, because it might not always be okay. But that is okay, too, because nothing is over until it is.
Relationships and love aren't about being happy all the time. It's about being a support system. You need to find someone who is willing to do that, and be there for you. Always. Even when you're a huge bitch and wake up with a massive zit on your forehead. Even when you're not being fair, even when you're throwing up the entire night's worth of alcohol because you don't know how to deal with your emotions.

I know this person is out there for you.
I love you.
Until you find them, I am going to be there.
And I'm going to be there during, and I'm going to be there after.

Monday, August 15, 2011

College Things


I start college in a week, and I am so nervous. Today, my mum and I went down to the campus to work out some kinks in my financial aid, and to find out what books I need. Let me tell you something, future college students of America: books are FREAKING EXPENSIVE. That price tag will make you die a little inside. We ended up renting mine online, all three for a little bit over a hundred dollars, so that was much better. With my left over financial aid money (400 or so dollars) I am buying my very first Macbook! Used, probably a tad bit beat up, but it's really important to me and I'm excited to be able to get it. Maybe I'm disillusioned, but I feel like it is going to make going to school so much simpler.
Time to go watch the stars with my lovely blood sister. Till next time, M

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My name is Maren Elizabeth Grace Harshman. I stand five feet, three inches off the ground, have a sort of unhealthy obsession with Sriracha hot sauce, and I am currently experiencing a phenomenon I like to refer to as "The Last Year". Let me explain.
The 365 days between a person's 17th and 18th birthday fall into this category. It's a last ditch, all out marathon to soak up life while simultaneously getting ready for adulthood. And, in my case, starting college in a crazed attempt to get my degree by 19. You can see us, clutching our soft packs of cigarettes to our chests, shotgunning black coffee, never turning down an invitation.
This is an online journal of sorts, a documentation of the things I'll miss about my adolescence and this town and everything that comes with it. I hope that you enjoy what I have to say, and I hope it makes you sad. I hope you feel nostalgic for things that are slipping through your fingers, and that, if only for a moment, you stop and think.
<3. M